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Why Solar?
Abundant. Accessible. Affordable.

Enough sunlight reaches the earth in one hour to power the world for an entire year. Unlike the substantial resources and capital needed to extract and burn fossil fuels, anyone can purchase and install solar panels to take advantage of this abundance of sunlight. Best of all, solar generates significant long-term savings on electricity bills.

Installing solar panels significantly reduces monthly electricity bills and dependence on the power grid.
Studies have shown properties with solar systems sell up to 20 percent faster and at a 17 percent premium compared to homes without such systems.
Unlike energy generated by fossil fuels, solar doesn’t release harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) emission.

What is a hybrid solar inverter?

Hybrid inverters are at the heart of any simple, cost-effective solar battery storage system and are used to store excess solar energy to increase self-consumption and provide backup power

Do you need a hybrid inverter to add batteries?
The simple answer is no. A battery can be added to any existing grid-tie solar system at any time using what’s known as an AC battery system. AC batteries, like the Tesla Powerwall 2 are quite popular and more options are becoming available. As inverter technology and batteries are evolving rapidly it is not always worth spending extra money on a ‘battery ready system’ unless you plan on adding a battery within 2 years.

Why store solar energy in a battery?
Many governments and network operators have reduced the solar feed-in tariff or FiT (money or credit received for feeding solar energy to the grid). This means traditional grid-feed solar systems have become less attractive as most people are working during the day and not home to use the solar energy as it is generated.